Torrents on the desktop

The streaming torrent client for Mac, Windows, & Linux
WebTorrent Desktop is for streaming torrents. Whether it's video from the Internet Archive, music from Creative Commons, or audiobooks from Librivox, you can play it right away. You don't have to wait for it to finish downloading.
WebTorrent Desktop is fast, free, non-commercial & open source.
What is WebTorrent?
WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for the web browser and the desktop.
WebTorrent is written completely in JavaScript – the language of the web – and uses WebRTC for peer-to-peer transport whenever possible. No browser plugins, extensions, or installation is required to use WebTorrent in your browser.
Imagine a peer-to-peer YouTube where viewers help to host the site's content. By making BitTorrent easier to use, we can get more people to participate and take the first steps to re-decentralizing the Internet.
How do I try it out?
See WebTorrent in action on the Web at Send a file to a friend using BitTorrent!
Or, install WebTorrent Desktop for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Try out a fast, lightweight, new torrent client today!